Sunday, October 13, 2013

all you need are books and tea

in anticipation of the rainy weather to come (and all the time i'll get to spend inside curled up with my kitties and a fuzzy blanket), i thought it would be fun to put together a few book & tea pairings. just like a meal can be elevated with the right wine, nothing goes better with a good read than the perfect cup of tea.

like many people, elizabeth gilbert came into my life through her best-selling memoir eat, pray, love and now i'm looking forward to her latest fictional endeavor. the story is set all over the globe and is described as bold and spellbinding which is why smith's bonbon herbal infusion is the perfect companion. the ingredients, which include cinnamon bark from vietnam, pacific northwest peppermint leaves, and pakistani licorice root, come together together in one perfectly charming cup of tea.

i've loved mythology ever since i was young. i probably checked out every book on greek mythology from my local library. when i started practicing yoga, a whole new world of gods, goddesses, heroes, and stories opened up to me. sally kempton's book focuses on goddesses, such as lakshmi (who bestows prosperity) and bhuvaneshvari (who creates space for transformation). i'm excited to learn more about these faces of the divine feminine and how they can show up and be brought forth in our every day lives while enjoying an uplifting cup of this fruity green tea.

we all have our guilty pleasures. two of mine are YA fiction and chai lattes. elle recommended this book (along with the other two in the series) and i'm looking forward to diving into the fantasy world of katsa while enjoying a homemade chai latte made with my fave vanilla almond milk.

so now tell me - what are you reading and what lovely libation will you pair with it?


  1. love this new take on pairings! Miss you around the Berkeley area! XO

  2. I plan to pair the rest of the Divergent Trilogy with Cinnamon Rose Tea from Tulsi.
