last night, i had the pleasure of joining kimberly wilson (who was my mentor during teacher training at tranquil space back in '09 and is one of my favorite people ever)and wonderful group of women for a tranquility pop-up event in SW portland. the event was part of the tranquility tour, kimberly's lastest adventure where she and her beau (aka tim mooney) are traveling all over north america to live simply and spread tranquility wherever they go! our evening was full of mindfulness, self-study and sensory indulgences - from lavender oil to chair yoga to tonglen to collage. total bliss!
creative play + finished product
one of my biggest take-aways was actually a reminder. at the beginning of the year, i stumbled upon the quote "little by little, one travels far." it resonated with me and i've carried it in my back pocket since then. during the wheel of life exercise, kimberly asked us to choose an area that we ranked low in satisfaction and create two action steps to elevate this area by the end of the month. my area that i chose was do-gooding. just as i was about to write down some grand plan to reach out to this organization and that charity and volunteer numerous hours per a week (which to be perfectly honest would not have been reasonable for me right now), kimberly reminded us to keep it simple. she brought me back down to "little by little" and now i have the (much more realistic) action steps of donating some clothes to goodwill and sending out snail mail love to my family.
kimberly & i (with her dreamcatcher handcrafted by moi and photobomber Tim) + podcast in action
it was so much fun reconnecting with old friends and creating new connections! kimberly and tim still have 7 more stops on the tour (the next one is in the Bay Area and the final one is in my hOMetown of Richmond, VA!) and if they are coming to your town, you should definitely join in the tranquility fun! i also want to give a little shout-out to the lovely luna jaffe who hosted the event last night in her beautiful office - she does some amazing work with creativity and money!
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