i love creating intention. when i take the time to acknowledge what i want my day/month/life to feel like, it transforms my everyday experience.
today, october 4th, is the new moon (you can find out exactly when the new moon happens where you live by visiting here). every month, the new moon invites us to release what no longer serves, to create what we desire, to renew what we are committed to, and to begin right here, right now. it is a time to plant seeds and make plans, to start a project or release a habit, to choose trust and let love grow.
i'll be settling down to create my dreams for this month and i encourage you to do the same. here are some ideas to help you get dreamy with the new moon.
- set aside some time (try for at least 20-30 minutes) and find a place where you won't be disturbed. gather your journal, favorite pen, and something to sip on (my personal favorite for this time of year).
- dim the lights. light a candle - this boulangerie candle in sweet vanilla cinnamon is what i have at home right now. take a few deep breaths. allow your thoughts to settle. close your eyes. feel the breath move in the body.
- with your eyes still closed, ask yourself what you want to create this month. listen to what bubbles up in the mind. is it a feeling? is it a specific goal? is it something that you want to release? honor and acknowledge whatever comes up for you.
- after listening for a few minutes, take pen to paper and write out your intention(s). be as specific as possible. i like to end my list by writing "i accept these things into my life now or something better for my highest good and for the highest good of all concerned."once your list is complete, read it aloud. notice how you feel when you hear you intentions spoken.
- conclude this time by closing your eyes, taking a few more deep breaths, and giving thanks. when you're ready, blow out your candle and choose what you want to do with your list of intentions. i keep my journal bedside so i can read through my list daily. maybe you take your list and post it on the bathroom mirror. maybe you place your list in a special place on your desk where it won't be disturbed.
throughout the month, notice how your intentions impact your experience. and don't forget to mark your calendar for the next new moon on november 3rd!
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