Sunday, November 17, 2013

gratitude practice: day 17

there are times when i prepare for a class and inspiration is flowing and ideas are pouring out - sequences come together seamlessly, the perfect songs line up on my playlist, the ideal quote pops off the page. of course that is not always the case. it feels like i've spent my entire weekend laboring over my plan for a sixty minute class.
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when my brain seemed to have come to a complete halt, i moved the couch, rolled out my mat and started moving around - not thru a specific sequence or with any end in mind. just movement for the sake of movement. eventually an idea or two popped into my head and little by little, my class came together. 

it's easy to get stuck and to stay stuck (in class planning and in life). today i am thankful for my mat and the movement it supports. it's always there for me when i need it the most.

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