Wednesday, November 27, 2013

gratitude practice: day 27

when it comes to making something from scratch, i usually find a few recipes for ideas and then wing it. usually because i don't have all the ingredients called for in a specific recipe on hand or because i'm feeling impatient and don't want to follow directions. this sometimes work out, other times notsomuch. yesterday, jesse and i sat down together to plan what we wanted to have for our thanksgiving dinner for two. 

i had seen a recipe for pomegranate-cranberry sauce in a magazine and thought it would be a nice alternative to the can-shaped cranberry sauce. i had already seeded a couple pomegranates (for the sangria from sunday) and still had fresh cranberries. i switched out the lime in the recipe for orange (it was what i had) and then set to work this afternoon, making my first cranberry sauce from scratch. i took my time and enjoyed the process - i loved hearing the cranberries pop and then slowly start to break down to create a thick sauce. this time of year can feel so rushed, frantic, busy but the whole experience of being in the kitchen, making something from scratch brought me into the moment and for that i'm feeling thankful.

have you ever made cranberry sauce from scratch? 
what are your thanksgiving plans this year?

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