Thursday, November 7, 2013

gratitude practice: day 7

last year, i participated in an online course called 90 Minutes to Change the World. i don't remember how i came across the course and the organization that produces it, 90 Monkeys, but i'm so thankful that i did. 90 Minutes to Change the World is an online business of yoga and professional development program that focuses on common challenges faced by yoga teachers and studio owners today. led by the infectiously positive Amy Ippoliti, it is overflowing with insight, inspiration, and relevant advice for yoga teachers. 

how cute is their logo? // the lovely amy

this year, they offered the same course again in a two-day intensive format. i eagerly enrolled knowing that it would provide me with the opportunity to review where i am in my teaching and to identify areas where i could hone my skills further. being a yoga teacher can become quite the solitary endeavor. it takes more effort to create community not just among students but among my fellow yoga teachers since we are usually just passing by each other on our way from teaching or going to teach. so one of my favorite parts of the course is the community of teachers that i'm now connected to via facebook. these teachers are all over the globe and i know i can reach out at any time for feedback on a new class theme, input on a challenging student situation, or kudos for accomplishing a goal.

so today i am thankful for Amy, the incredible team at 90 Monkeys and all my fellow 90 Minuters around the world for committing to be the best and to change the world - one mat, one student, one class at a time. i'm so lucky to be part of this community!

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